Day 51
Exodus 16-18
God grants us with astounding provision at just the right time. We see the example of the Israelites and the manna that God provided just enough of for the day. It is so easy to keep thinking we need more when we live in a culture where we can have anything we want anytime we want. Keeping up with the people around us and trying to have what they have is a dangerous path to be on. The people learned this as they tried to take more than they needed, and it rotted.
Not only in food did the Lord provide for the Israelites, but the very next chapter of Exodus, He provided water. Even when the people continued to complain and show their lack of trust. And then in the next section, we read that He granted them protection from the Amalekites. The Lord cares about our personal well-being too, as Moses is told by his father in law to start delegating the numerous tasks to trusted leaders of the people.
I can't even tell you how important that delegation thing is, but it is gold. Not only does it take some off of your plate, but it empowers other leaders to take ownership in the mission you are trying to carry out! There are great benefits to doing it, no matter where you are!
In Matthew, we read as Jesus "delegates" the disciples to go out and spread the Good News. He gives them specific and solid instructions, telling them not to bring anything with them, but to depend on the hospitality of the homes they find themselves in. He tells them not to fear or to waste their time on places that refuse their welcome. Jesus also says to shout His news from the rooftops!
I just love this part:
don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when
everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will
be made known to all. 27 What
I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I
whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!"
I think it is so easy for people to speak their minds about whatever, but when it comes to talking about Jesus, Christians can freeze up and avoid the conflict. We read though that we shouldn't be afraid and that the Lord is on our side when we work for Him. If we hold on to our reputations and pride, we will lose our lives. But when we give it up for Christ and His mission, we will have greater life to come!
Where do you need His ultimate provision today? Hopefully most of you reading this have food in the fridge and water, but do you need to delegate more? Maybe you need protection from a situation or a deep, heartfelt prayer answered. Jesus calls us to go out and shout His News from the rooftops. Do you need a little courage to do that? God has it and He knows just what you need TODAY! Give it to Him and He will be your Ultimate Provider if your needs match His will!
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