Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day 36 - God's Perspective

Day 36
Job 28-29, Galatians 5

The way that Job explains and builds up to how valuable and precious God's wisdom is sure shows us how important it is to chase after it. Job knows that we have an All-Knowing God, Who has reasons for everything that we endure and will make great things out of it. Job points out how God has planned paths for lightening, shows the wind how hard to blow, and He knows the outcome of our daily lives. God has this wisdom beyond comprehension that is incomparable to anything else in this world!

As Job reflects back over the good life he had before everything fell apart, I don't think it is coincidence that he prefaced this with speaking of God's wisdom and how precious it is. Job knows that God has reasons and plans for everything. Our minds can't fathom what God can do in the midst of chaos and darkness. We see how respected of a man Job was and how wonderful his life was. My question and challenge for you is this: If you had a like like Job had had before all the chaos, would your faith be as strong?

In Galatians we read about finding freedom in Christ, and allowing the Spirit to empower our lives, rather than things of this world. When we find our grace and wisdom in Christ, we gain so much. The Spirit produces good kinds of fruit, as we read - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Anything that contradicts these in this world, are not from God, as it states "there is no law against these things."

When we allow these little pieces of the world to get into our lives, they become like yeast in bread and end up saturating our lives. Developing our character from the fruits of the Spirit in every aspect of our lives can help us to gain that perspective of God. He wants every part of us.

When we open up our all to Him, we begin to saturate our lives in His wisdom, perspective and grace. We can hang onto a piece of our lives and keep it from Him, but that little piece still makes us who we are as a whole. Not giving it all over to God can cause us to miss out on the full picture of God's greatness and plan for our lives. Soak up His wisdom and live in the power of His Spirit, embracing every turn in life that can grow you.

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