Day 45
Exodus 4-6, Matthew 6:1-18
Making excuses to God when we are called to do the hard things can be a bad habit indeed. We see how Moses was pretty much terrified to face Pharaoh, but God didn't allow him to keep making excuses, as He provided everything Moses needed to approach Pharaoh.
What kind of excuses do you feed God when you feel that nudging to do something you don't think you can do? One thing we need to remember is that God is truly real and that He will carry you through if you are pursuing a task for Him. I think it is so easy to make these excuses because we don't think that is really God prodding us, or we forget that He can do great things because we don't always see Him.
When we can look back and see God's faithfulness in our lives and how He pulled us through the missions that seemed intimidating at the time, we can look ahead at the next mission He calls us to, and perhaps feel like it isn't so bad compared to how the last time went. Any mission that God calls us to will be well worth it in the end, and you will come through a new, changed person with faith that can move mountains.
It is important to remember how real our God is when we are praying to Him. In Matthew, we read that Jesus told the people not to just babble on and on when you pray, but to take it seriously and have faith that your Father is listening. The same goes with how you fast and give. Remembering that God sees all and knows all is important, as we strive to please Him and Him alone. What people around us think won't matter in the end. God has the last say and everything we do should be for His glory and not for ours.
How real is your God to you? Do you have faith in Him to carry you through the missions He calls you to? Excuses are easy to make when we don't feel like doing the hard things, and passing them off is simple because even though you feel God's nudging, you can easily deny your abilities and His calling. But if you believe in a Real and Powerful God, you can find it easier to have faith to do the hard things. The same goes for when you talk to Him in prayer. Rather than sharing your words with the people all around you and showing them how "good" of a Christian you are, make it real just between you and God. Talk to Him like you would a friend. Make God real in your life today.
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