Day 43
Job 41-42, Matthew 5:1-26
The ways Jesus put out on who is blessed vs. what the world says about being "blessed" seem to completely contradict each other. Those who realize their need for God will inherit the kingdom! Job was this person. He knew how much he needed God and he repented in this way towards God in the end. Job fit many of the categories listed in the Beatitudes. We can see just how blessed Job was, and just how much he shined for God in his circumstances.
God wants us to do right by others, as he states in the Sermon on the Mount and as we see at the end of Job. "So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the alter in the Temple, and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the alter. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God."
At the end of Job, God has his friends bring sacrifices for speaking wrongly about Him, and has Job pray for his friends. This seems like a genius way to humble the friends who thought they knew it all, and help Job be reconciled with them.
Are you living in a grudge of a broken relationship? Being reconciled with that person is huge to God as He tells us to not even bring Him our offerings until we are reconciled. Communion is a classic example of holding off of until you are made right with the people in your life.
God blesses the most unexpected people. The ways of the world say that you will be "blessed" by all the stuff and power you have. Jesus says that the poor, meek, merciful, pure, peacemakers, and persecuted will find blessing. Forgiveness and a humble heart are key. Be reconciled with one another and experience the true blessings of our Father, so you can truly shine for Him!
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