Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33: Most Intimate Friendship

Reading: Psalm 18:7-15

The presence of God is overpowering, whether you look at this Psalm literally or symbolically. When God shows up, the earth trembles - your earth trembles. The relationship with God we have is powerful and intimate. When God's love hits us, it's like a mighty wind. When God's anger comes out against things that are against love, like abuse, it's a feeling of His fist and wrath coming down. Though our lives are filled with other relationships, like family, friends, and loved ones, we need to remember that our relationship with God is even more intimate. He knows our thoughts, desires, dreams, fears and feelings. We see much of the intimacy of God as we read His Word, and specifically Psalms. Allow Him to have at intimacy with you as you spend time each day engaging in His Word and in prayer. Before long, you'll catch yourself in constant communication with Him throughout your day.

Reading: Matthew 21:33-22:14

The invitation to God's kingdom is a huge privilege. He invites us to be in an intimate, loving relationship with Him. We can either accept or reject that invitation. When Jesus is telling these parables to the crowds, He is directing them at the religious leaders. They refuse to take the invitation Jesus offers them. This invitation shouldn't be taken lightly. We are privileged to have the way that Jesus prepares for us to join Him in His Kingdom. If we refuse, we face eternal torment and separation from this wonderful relationship God has for us.

Reading: Job 25:1-29:25

The friendship concept in Job's story is a strong comparison of how much more intimate our relationship with God is compared to the relationships we carry with our earthly friends. We see Job's friends accuse him of things he didn't do, and Job is confident that God has his back because He knows what Job has done.
Job speaks of God's wonderful friendship in chapter 29. He reflects back on the times when he could truly feel the intimate friendship he had with God. Though now he feels like the relationship is far away, he puts forth that hope and trust that he'll feel it again. Job even speaks of how the importance of this friendship in how it brings upon wisdom that can't be bought or found anywhere else. Having that intimate relationship with Christ is how you can feel what He feels and apply it, like helping the poor and widows as Job did.

A relationship with Christ is not like any other. It is the most important friendship you could have that benefits for an eternity. Don't take His invitation lightly.

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