Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 50: A Real Relationship

Reading: Psalm 23:1-6

Our personal relationship with God is like being His little sheep who look to their Shepherd for guidance. This famous Psalm really drives that personal touch home. When we lose our way along life's road, we can count on Christ to guide us back, as long as we listen for Him. He is all you need as the Psalm says we "shall not want". He renews our strength when we're down, and brings us peace of mind to conquer the day ahead. He is our Protector, Comforter, and Provider. Much like a shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep, God does the same for us. That kind of relationship is pretty special.

Reading: Mark 4:30-5:20

Another aspect of our personal relationship with God is that He is big enough to save us, but small enough to know us. The parable of the mustard seed talks about taking something so small and allowing it to do such great work and turn into something huge. From here, God calms a huge storm, but not until after His disciples spend time fretting and worrying. A true test of faith is when we face storms in our lives. When it feels like God is sleeping on us, we may fret and worry, but we can also trust He is right there, with a bigger plan in mind. The disciples wouldn't have been able to see the true power of Jesus if He just would have stopped the storm from coming. But after they saw how He had the power to calm such an outrageous storm, they respond in awe and faith. God uses the small things to show us amazing things.
The next part of this reading goes into Jesus healing a crazy man, who officials had no choice to contain him but to lock him up. This man cut himself, lived among graves and howled. I'm pretty sure many had a hard time approaching this man. Jesus, however, saw his potential. He saw past the craziness of this man and healed him- something no one else could do. This man in turn evangelized to thousands about what God had done for him. How great this story is.
God can see past our flaws. He knows us so deeply that He picks out the potential in us,maven when others may have given up on us. If you allow Him in and to do His work, He can move you in mighty ways!

Reading: Exodus 25:1-26:37

It is quite amazing how the Israelites knew just how to hear the specific instructions on how to build the Tabernacle. Each person contributed what they felt in their hearts to give because God wanted them to build a place where He could live among them. God wants to live among us too. He wants to be apart of our lives and every aspect of it. When He gives us specific instructions, we too can hear Him with great clarity, as the Israelites did. We also need to decide how much we're willing to give to Him in order for Him to come live among us. We can give God pieces of our lives, but until we are able to give it to Him in its entirety, we won't get to fully see His powerful work in our lives- we may see it in pieces of our lives, but not in full transformation in Him. What part of your life do you have a hard time giving to God? Your future? Your spouse? Your family? Your friends? Your money? Are you able to let Him lead you through every aspect of your life? Show Him you're ready to have Him take control by giving Him the number one spot of your heart. Allow Him to dwell in you, as the Israelites allowed Him to dwell among them.

The relationship we have with God is so real and powerful. He is our Guide, our Protector, our Healer, our Provider. He wants to dwell in us and have control over every aspect of you. Will you allow Him?

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