Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40: Which Way?

Reading: Proverbs 4:10-19

Proverbs teaches us that there are two ways to carry yourself through this world - the wicked or evil way, or the wise and righteous way. Though we are not told to completely avoid those who are evil, we are told to avoid their ways. Proverbs is full of the wise ways, showing us how important it is to get wisdom. When we pursue wisdom, we reap the benefits that come with it. Our paths are made straight, and we won't stumble. The ways of the wicked are to be ran from. There is a strong warning in this reading against the ways of the wicked. Keep the ways of wisdom close. Pursue them daily.

Reading: Matthew 26:31-46

Though God's way was a hard, painful one for Jesus, He still chose to follow it. Jesus prays for His Father's will and not His own. Sometimes we can drift through life and prefer our own way over God's way, because we want the easy way. What if Jesus would have chosen His way and His feelings because they felt easier? He came to do His Father's work, even though He asked if there was another way, He made it very clear He wanted God's way no matter what.
Remember as you face struggles in life, Jesus faced them too, and much more. Remember that He held strong to His Father through the taunting of His distress, and we are to do the same. God's plan will prevail when we follow Him. Sometimes we feel as if our "spirit is willing, but our bodies are weak." Hold on to these words as you face trials and tough decisions. Thank Jesus that He did not take the easy way out.

Reading: Exodus 4:1-6:12

We see the battle Moses puts up with God when He is asked to do God's work. We also tend to put up a plethora of excuses as to why someone else would be better. God picks you to do a job for a reason though. He can lead you and teach you through it. When we put up excuses, we disobey and we miss out on the opportunity to see Him twirl in and through us. Every time I allow God to do His work through me, no matter how daunting it may be at first, I catch myself growing in character and in Him. God's way may seem hard and scary, just like how Jesus felt when He prayed to His Father the night before His death, but because He allowed Him to do His work and not his own will, God's grand plan was accomplished. We can open our hearts to His way instead of ours, and He will work in and through us. The opportunity is great.

There are many paths we can follow in this life that offer the easy way out. Just because it seems easier, doesn't mean it's right. Be careful of the way you choose to follow. Follow wisdom and follow God's righteous way.

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