Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38: Giving Back

Reading: Psalm 18:43-50

God's faithfulness should be praised highly and worshipped. When God shows David His faithfulness and saves him from his enemies, David devotes Psalms to Him as praise, worship and thanksgiving. We are never deserving of God's grace or faithfulness, but He bestows His unconditional love and kindness anyways. We are to give back our lives in praise and thanksgiving to Him.

Reading: Matthew 25:14-46

Another way we give back to God's faithfulness is being faithful to Him. He blesses us with gifts and talents. Like the servants in the parable, we can take those gifts and resources and increase them by using them, or we can hide them and bury them for ourselves and lose them, like the servant who lost the silver given to him after disgracing his master. When God blesses you with the gift of music, join the praise team at your church. If He blesses you with the gift of teaching, help in children's ministry. If He gives you a passion to mentor youth, hang out with the youth group kids. Whatever you're good at, use it for God. Be faithful with the gifts He's given you.

Jesus goes into serving Him, in serving others. When we see the poor, the hungry, the lonely, the hurt- we are to care for them. Caring for them is caring for God and His children. If we fail to do this, we fail at what God has called us to do. Jesus even says that those who turn their backs on those in need, He will turn His back on them. Be faithful to Christ in serving those in need. He is all about love, and we are to follow that example.

Reading: Job 40:3-42:17

As we conclude Job's story, we read about God reassuring Job that He has plans beyond Job's understanding. He also praises Job for remaining faithful to Him throughout the hardships He's endured, and rebukes his friends for the lies they told about He and Job. Job remained faithful to God, giving Him control of his life, and never blaming Him for the trials he was put through.
God remains faithful to Job in doubling his fortune after all is said and done. Job is blessed for his faithfulness.

Are you giving back to God? We may face hardships and struggles as David and Job did, but we need to remember that God will be faithful to you, and we need to praise and thank Him for that. God has given us many gifts and resources and we need to give back to Him in those areas too. Don't let a day pass by that you don't thank and give back to God. We are undeserving of His grace, but He gives it to us unconditionally.

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