Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37: The Unknowns

Reading: Psalm 18:37-42

When we face battles in life,mike David faced throughout his, we can trust that God will give us the strength we need when we need it. Though we do not know the hardships that lie ahead in life, it is best we don't. Instead of worrying about preparing ourselves for the hardships we know are coming, we take them as they come, trusting God to grant us our strength then. Though we may look at ourselves now and feel like we could never have the strength to take on hardships that come, we need to remember that God will supply us our needs as we need them. When we were kids, asking our parents for spending money for a trip we were going on, they never gave it to us weeks ahead of time. Smart parents waited until the day of the trip so we didn't lose our money. God's supply is similar. He gives us what we need right when we need it. David had this kind of faith in God when he faced trials, and we should follow the same suit.

Reading: Matthew 24:32-25:13

When Jesus is coming again is another unknown in our lives, like the coming of hardships in our lives like we discussed from Psalms. We know He is coming again, and He tells us to keep watch and be ready, but we don't know the time. There will be signs, like when summer comes each year. Being ready is important. Don't let your guard down, because He will come when we least expect it.
The parable shared about the ten virgins is an example of those who missed the opportunity, because they weren't prepared, compared to those who were prepared. This can apply to us and always being ready for Jesus' coming again. Make sure your heart is right and you're living alice for Him. He doesn't care what you've done, but where your heart is.

Reading: Job 38:1-40:2

Suffering is another unknown to us at times. When bad things happen to good people, the feeling is harsh. We see the troubles and suffering Job is put through, and God finally speaks after numerous conversations with unhelpful friends. God goes on and on about how He is all-knowing of those secret things that we as humans can never know, from the snowy storehouses of nature to the paths of lightning bolts. Suffering is much like those mysteries. God has extraordinary plans for our lives, and though we hit those bouts of suffering time after time, we need to trust in His plan and His work. We may never have answers to our sufferings, but God works through them to weave His master plan in our lives, and as a testimony to others around us. Just trust Him, and know He has a plan.

Here are many unknowns in life. When we hit those times, it is important to remember that God alone is our hope, trust and security. He will supply our needs and work in our lives.

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