Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 48: Good and Evil Battling

Reading: Proverbs 5:1-14

Evil can sure look good. In this Proverb, we read the desirable characteristics that temptation puts on at the first look. But this Proverb also warns that giving into temptation can ruin our lives. It warns strongly to run away from evil. Living life in regret of poor decisions made is not an ideal way to go. Don't put yourself in the destructive situation of giving into things that look good and appealing from the outside, but torment the rest of your life because of the consequences. Though this Proverb talks mostly about sexual immorality, it applies across the board. From drugs, stealing, murder, lying, simply following the wrong crowd- all could have major consequences. Sexual immorality is certainly a big one in our culture, and it certainly comes with some hefty consequences at times. Heed this Proverb wisely and guard yourself from temptations that destroy.

Reading: Mark 2:18-3:30

It is up to you and your heart to decide what you think about Jesus. From this reading, you can see there were many opinions expressed on Who Jesus is. Today, there are still many opinions and feelings express about the Name Jesus. Some think He was evil. Some think He was insane. But others think He is right on, and live their lives to follow Him and His ways. It can take great courage to stand up for His Name and all that comes with it, but the rewards are eternal. The Pharisees sure thought that Jesus was evil because He stepped on the religious laws and rituals. Do you tend to cling too closely the traditionalism of the "religion" side of Christianity? Here's a scary fact for you: Jesus came to wipe out the ritual and make it about relationship.
The lifestyle and teachings of Jesus sounded insane to many. Maybe you have this thought sometimes. How could someone follow someone with such crazy thinking?
Then there are the devout followers of Jesus. Those who proclaim and support everything about Jesus.
Where are you at? The opinions about Jesus surely are a battle between good and evil.

Reading: Exodus 21:1-22:31

The rules begin to be established among the Israelite people. The purpose is to promote good and keep evil out. As followers of Christ, it is important to promote good and to keep evil at bay. In a world so tainted by the ways of the media and the socially acceptable views on things that should be left taboo, it is important to stand strong on the views of God and what He expresses in His Word. People will write off the Bible as old fashioned and irrelevant. But God is all-knowing. He knew what our culture was going to be like. Writing His Word and instruction off as old-fashioned is an easy argument, but not a valid one. The Word makes complete sense if you take the time to apply it. It is a guidebook to life that will point you in the right direction. Stand up for it and let good carry on.

There are so many things in our world that would cause a battle between good and evil. The battle of temptation is a huge one. The Name of Jesus and opinions expressed about Him can be a battle. Then there are the ways and socially acceptable areas of our society. The question that remains is where do you stand and what will you do about it?

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