Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 100: Wisdom

Reading: Proverbs 9:1-12

Wisdom in Criticism
In this reading we can read that it is pointless to insult a mocker, or one who lacks wisdom. Correcting them will only cause them to hate you more. But correcting the wise in their mistakes and areas that need improvement will be well received if they are indeed wise. Constructive criticism always depends on who is receiving it. Wise people will take it humbly, use it, grow from it and then improve on it. Those who hold too much pride and feel the need to hate all criticism will hate you more and take it the wrong way. They will stay in their skill level and never adapt to what those around them are looking for in that talent or profession. The question that hangs out there then is what kind of person re you when it comes to constructive criticism? Do you grow from it, or defend against it? According to this reading, the wise will grow from it, and even be thankful for it. 

Reading: Luke 13:1-30
Wisdom in Suffering
Jesus teaches about suffering in the first part of this reading. When He heals the crippled woman on the Sabbath day, He is responding with compassion, and would expect any of us to respond the same way. But when people seem to unfairly suffer, like in the case of Pilot killing those offering sacrifices at the temple, Jesus makes it very clear that suffering is not linked to their sin, but rather the human race is sinful and sometimes we will be affected by the poor decisions of others. Jesus cares more about our response to suffering, rather than the speculation of what underlines the suffering. Our response is how we show our love and faith in those hard times for others.

Wisdom in Pruning 
Jesus gives us a couple examples of pruning and fruitfulness in this reading as well, reminding us that we need to be smart about our pruning, whether it be on ourselves or he church. When we look at our lives and find an area that isn't very fruitful for the Kingdom, we need to either be patient and work on making it so, or decide to cut it out of our lives. In the church, if we have a ministry that isn't very fruitful, we either need to give it time to clean up the act, or cut it off. Jesus makes it very clear here that we need to be fruitful for the Him. When we read about the yeast and the mustard seed, He is showing us how to expand the Kingdom with the smallest start. Patience is a part of this process, but we also need to be conscious of the unfruitful weeds that could kill the fruit. 

Wisdom in Confrontation
Confrontation can be a hard thing to come across, but Jesus had it down when it came to proper reaction. Standing up for compassion over legalism, as well as hypocrisy, He called out what was important and what He was about. But Jesus never caused confrontation for the sake of it. He only stood up for what was truly right. Use your best judgement when you're deciding to confront something, and follow Jesus' example.

Wisdom in Following Jesus
Jesus reminds us here that the gate to heaven is narrow. We can accept Him and live a life in complete relationship and reliance on Him, or we can do good things and hope we've done good enough, but doing good isn't what gets you there. Jesus says that we need to be known by His Father. If someone came to your door and you didn't know them, would you let them in? Perhaps if they were in need, but certainly not as a long-time friend. Jesus compares the gate of heaven to this concept. When we go through life thinking that if we did good and that we went to church every Sunday, and that those things are what will build our relationship in Christ, we are sadly wrong. When we come to Jesus on a daily basis, deciding to follow Him, His plans, His ways, rely on Him, we will discover true relationship in Him. Make sure you decide to sacrifice your life daily for Him. 

Reading: Deuteronomy 13:1-14:29
Wisdom in Discernment
It is very important that as followers of Christ, we don't stray off and believe someone else when they say they are the returning messiah. We must never fall into the trap of worshiping other gods and beliefs. Keep your path straight and narrow, allowing no influence. In today's world, there are many traps and many "gods". Things we get addicted to and can't live without become gods to us, and we fall into a continuous pattern of worshiping them. My dad used to jokingly call our TV the house idol because we spent so much time in front of it, but in a sense he was right in calling it that, as we would do whatever it took to watch our shows, and we would spend hours a day before it. But picking up a Bible would only happen for minutes a day, if even at all sometimes. Be careful what you devote your time to.

Wisdom in Reverring God
We are called to be in complete awe of God because we are His chosen sons and daughters. He has done wonderful things. That goes for our money and possessions. Tithing is a way to show our respect for God and that we support His mission. He called the people in Moses' time to give ten percent of their earning to Him, and we still can follow this practice today. When we pour out our offering to Him, we are blessing others as well. Show your reverence to God in this way. It is a feasible, tangible way, and He commands His people to give to His cause.

Wisdom can bring you far in life, but sometimes obtaining and putting it into practice can be hard. Just stick to His Words and to His promises. Apply what you know and learn to your life. 

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