Reading: Psalm 45:10-17
Remembering Jesus throughout generations is the feel of this reading. Many times throughout the Bible, the church and God are compared to the bride and the bridegroom. We can see how much God loves and cherishes the church, and He wants it to thrive on remembering His mission, His work, and His ways. Verse 17 says that the church (bride) will bring honor and remembrance to the name of Jesus forever and ever. May we do our part in the church to bring honor and remembrance to the name of Jesus and all He has done for us. May every nation come to bow down to Him.
Reading: Luke 16:19-17:10
We are called to remember the poor. This parable that Jesus shares is not only a little unnerving, but it is also from the Bible, which means it's true. We live in a nation surrounded by wealth and everything we could ever need and even want. Our pets live on more food and resources than over half of the people in our world. We are also surrounded by great poverty, not only throughout our world, but in our very own communities. Jesus makes it hauntingly clear that we are not to turn a deaf ear to the poor. When we come across someone in need to food or necessity, we are to assist them and help them get back on their feet.
It is a scary image of the rich man in eternal death and Lazarus, who begged this man daily in heaven with Abraham. We know that this concept isn't attacking the rich people themselves, but the hearts. Abraham, himself was a very rich and blessed man, but he was in heaven. However, he was a faithful follower of God. He put complete faith and trust in God, though like everyone else, he had his rough days. But he never feared what would happen to his riches and his possessions. He never put his faith in those things.
When we base our lives around "the next big thing" and keeping up with our neighbors and peers, depending on them for our well-being and our status, than we are living lives like that rich man. With this mentality, we will cling to those things and do everything we can to keep them and upgrade them.
Jesus goes into a teaching on faith and forgiveness from this section of the reading. Just like our possessions and riches, we need to be willing to give up our grudges and pride to mend relationships. Forgiveness is a big topic for Jesus as He tells us to forgive over and over. Faith is a big part of these things. When we truly have faith and we are willing to put everything we are about and own into our faith in Christ, then we can have hearts that fully embrace God and His mission. But clinging to grudges and possessions and riches will sink you.
If we can't believe the seriousness of God through His Word and His teachings, or even knowing that Jesus rose from the dead, then we may never repent, as Abraham told the rich man. Have the priorities of your heart in order.
Reading: Deuteronomy 23:1-25:19
Remembering what God has done for us is important, especially when we are extending the same grace towards others, as well as facing hardships. This reading goes through many rules for the Israelites, but also serves as a reminder of the grace and provision they have been given, thus they are asked to treat each other and foreigners alike with the same grace. Being reminded of how they were once also foreigners and slaves, and of how God provided them with guidance and protection through the wilderness, they are asked to do the same for others. When it comes to remembering the grace and love poured out on us, we too are asked to extend such service to our neighbors. A remembrance of what God has done in our life is portrayed by how we take it and use it. When we serve God by helping others and showing them the same patience God shows us all the time, we are proving how grateful we are for that patience. The same goes with grace, forgiveness, love, etc. Remember what God has done for you by serving others with the same loving actions.
Remembering what God has called us to do on a daily basis is important, so that we can keep the focus on Him and living our lives in thankfulness for Him. We remember His name so that it will be proclaimed from generation to generation, and across all nations. We remember to take care of the poor around us because when we neglect them, God has every right to neglect us. And we remember what He has done so that we may extend the same grace to those around us. May we never forget why we are here.
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