Reading: Psalm 42:1-6a
Our knowledge of God cannot fulfill an inner thirst for Him. Only having His presence in our lives can. We can try and try to fill that longing with other things, but they will only leave you weighed down and wanting more. Happiness with these things doesn't last long, but fulfillment with God lasts a lifetime and into eternity. It is comforting to know that though David fought and fought with hardships, he cried out to God and found satisfaction and celebration in His presence. When we fill our lives with God, we will find ourselves thirsting for Him.
Reading: Luke 11:33-54
Our inner lives need to reflect God's light. Right off the bat, Jesus explains that our eyes are the lamps that provide light for our whole body. When we put our eyes on good things, like the Word and helping others, we will be filled with light. But when we put our eyes on less honorable things like ourselves and things of this world we know better than to get involved in, we will have this reflected in our inner lives. We see how passionate Jesus is about inner lives as He lays into the Pharisees about theirs. He goes into how they have to have the "best seats" indulging in their self-importance. He also goes into their love to be recognized and greeted by other important people in the streets. And He goes into their hypocrisy, calling them out in how they lay other burdens and rituals on people who listen to them, when they can't live up to their own standards. The religious leaders were all superficial. They had no inner relationship for God whatsoever, and only did the bare minimum to following God, such as tithing a very small portion to Him. We need to keep ourselves aware to not fill our inner selves with ourselves, but with the needs of others and with God. Don't just listen to these words and tell others to do them, but do them yourself. When you pick up God's Word and read it, don't just soak in the words, but live them out, allowing your life to shine for Him, and not of yourself.
Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-8:20
The reflection of inner maturity and love we have for God really sets us apart in who we are in Christ. Focusing on our inner well-being and not on the material things and the ways of our culture are explained in this passage. When we have pure hearts focused on getting God's Word tied to our hearts and minds, we are maturing in Him. We are warned many times in this reading as well:
Danger in abandoning God for other idols: This could be doing what it takes to fit in with the culture around us, or this people who do not follow God. Making something in your life your everything, outside of God - a very dangerous let down in the end. It's ok to have a passion for something and love it, but it's not ok to put it before God.
Danger in doubting God when hardships come: It is inevitable that tough times will come. When they do, they grow us. When we doubt God, we may find relief in other things, or find a temporary solution to our struggles. But when we stick it out and allow God to Carey us through and grow us, we will reap rewards through it. God will give us the mountain tops for encouragement, but He'll bring the valleys to mature us.
Danger of forgetting God in our wealth: When we are blessed greatly by God, we must not carry on life without Him. He has blessed us, and for that we owe Him our lives. We can't go on without acknowledging that fact. God will always have to have center of our lives, no matter how blessed and wealthy we are. Always live a life of thanksgiving for Him.
Growing in good character of God takes work and understanding. When we live our lives loving Him in full obedience, tying His words to our hearts, and working hard to be His light, we will be blessed in Him. We need to remember the things He's done for us, and live a life of thanksgiving for Him. Takes the hardships and grow in them, and be encouraged in the high points of your life.
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