Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 104: Integrity

Reading: Proverbs 9:13-18

Integrity is important when we face temptations, especially the ones that we know we struggle with and have to avoid. This Proverb refers to a woman calling out to men, and tempting them. We need to be careful, as temptation lurks everywhere and can pop up at any moment. It's easy enough to stand firm in the forefront of our lives, we need to work harder to stand firm behind the scenes, when nobody sees us. When we are the same person in front as we all behind the scenes, dealing with temptations as they come, and realizing all Christians deal with them, it can be easier to have integrity. Though the thing that lures you in secret may seem like it would be more enjoyable and taste sweeter, it certainly is a lie. Things done in secret that come out always end up harming. Don't lie to yourself and fall into that trap.

Reading: Luke 16:1-18

When it comes to money and possessions, Jesus has much to say about them. In this instance, Jesus is teaching of integrity with your money. Jesus points it out that if we are unfaithful in little things, we will be in big things, and if we are dishonest in little things, we are not to be trusted with big things. Money is an instance of this, among many other circumstances in life. We need to realize that money is a threat and can take away from the main focus and priorities in life. We are to give it generously and remember that it is measly a tool. Jesus says that no one can serve both God and money, and that the desires and things that look good in the eyes of the world are very detestable to God. We are to care about the things He cares about, as we discussed in our study a couple days ago. Don't let money and possessions hold you back from serving the true God. Serving both is not an option, and is impossible. Keep your heart on what matters most.

Reading: Deuteronomy 21:1-22:30

When it comes to the way we live, God is quite clear what we are to not do to maintain our integrity. Many of these rules were temporary of the time, but many still are important, Biblical concepts today that are reiterated in the New Testament. Obviously God stands very strongly against rape, premarital sex, and any promiscuous behavior. When we observe our lives, can we honestly say that we live perfect, clean lives, rid of any mark or sin. Absolutely not. That is why Jesus came! To wipe out the rituals of cleansing yourself before God in order to be set apart for Him. The rules of love still apply. When we love God, and we love our neighbor, we need to question the decisions we make, as to whether or not they will harm yourself, others, or sadden God. When we analyze our desires against God's will, we need to wait for Him to tell us to move. Having integrity in the way you live can be tough in a society that makes everything so socially acceptable. We may go through life with habits we don't even realize are wrong because that is what everyone does. But it is important to match up your life with the words of the Bible. That is the only sure way to know God's plan and will. Do your best to honor Him and His commands, because He loves you enough to keep you from harm.

Living a life of integrity is important across the board. When we do when temptations come our way behind closed doors will define your integrity. What you do with money and how you use it will say a lot about where your passions lie. And how you live daily life, either following the ways of the world because it is socially acceptable, or doing your best to stay in the Word and knowing what is acceptable to God will grow you in a certain way. What kind of example are you leaving in the forefront? What kind of example would you be leaving if people saw you behind closed doors, or if your "church friends" saw what you do with your other friends? Someone always sees you. 

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