Reading: Psalm 44:13-26
When we face trials, hardship and oppression, it doesn't necessarily we have doe wrong, and now we are being punished. In fact, it could be because of how strong your faith actually is. When we face ridicule and mockery from people who don't agree with our faith or because of something you stand strong for, and they don't, you will probably have a run in there. When life is too easy, there is no opportunity to grow and mature. Going through life with everything being good and easy means you aren't standing up for anything. There is no possible way to hold so passionately to something, like your faith and not have someone upset with you. Whether it's someone who opposes your faith completely, or someone who is also a Christian who doesn't agree with the way you do things. When you face those oppressions and hardships, even though it may seem unfair, remember that you have a God Who loves you more than you can ever imagine. Cry out to Him. Allow Him to reveal Himself through the storms, and keep your faith strong, no matter how many people don't agree. The blessings will come for you soon enough.
Reading: Luke 14:15-35
There is a hardship in following Christ, yet it is the most rewarding thing you'll ever do. We kick off this reading with a story about a banquet and the excuses people make up to get out of it. We have all been invited to those social gatherings that we try to get out of because we think it will be awkward, or boring, or just a waste of time. Here, we see people ducking out of this great banquet, using ll sorts of excuses, but ironically, their excuses symbolize the excuses we tend to come up with to not follow Christ, or obey Him. One person claims he can't attend because of his new property. Going on missions can be hard because we don't want to leave the comfort of home, or move to far away places because they don't want to leave those comforts. Another excuse used is that of processions, as a man says he needs to tend to his oxen. The American society is all about possessions and having more, when Jesus calls us to give everything away to the poor. The final excuse is a man claiming he needed to be with his wife. Though marriage is important, we read later in this section that we are to place God above everyone else in our lives. And because of all these excuses from blessed people, the banquet is opened up to those who have hardly anything to lose - the poor, the sick, the needy... All who have a clear understanding of how great this privilege is. They don't have their view fogged by possessions, property or people they place high value on. These things aren't bad, but they should never trump God and His will.
We get into the straight-forward part of this reading where Jesus tells the crowds that if they want to be His disciple, they must give up everything for Him. They must put everyone lower on the priority list. Not place emphasis on their stuff, and be willing to give up comforts. Carrying their crosses daily, disciples must treat everyday as a death sentence. They must surrender all plans, all dreams, all hopes, all jobs, all people, all finances, everything to Him and His will. Allowing God to decide everything about their lives.
It is a hard sacrifice to make in a life that can be so good, but we must remember the rewards of it.
Reading: Deuteronomy 16:21-18:22
We are strongly warned against worshiping other gods and believing false prophets in this reading, as well as practicing witchcraft, sorcery and fortune-telling, Ouija boards, horoscopes - all things that are popular in today's world, whether you have encountered it yourself or not. There is great temptation in life to make other things our idols. Teens get pressured to do drugs or drink, which could ruin lives in the end. I have been asked to participate in witchcraft myself in high school, and luckily I was taught to run hard and fast from that. It is out there, and it is sternly warned against. Temptation to join in in these things is a tough thing to deal with, especially if you're a teen, trying to fit in. But standing strong in the faith comes with more rewards that are far greater and last for eternity. Stand strong against things that you have been warned to avoid.
There will be hardships in the midst of keeping the faith. If there weren't, there would be no opportunity to grow. Standing strong in that faith is ultimately where you want to be. Cry out to God when you're struggling with opposition, or when bearing the pressures of life gets too hard. He's there, and nothing can ever separate you from that love.
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