Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 103: Who is God?

Reading: Psalm 45:1-9

Majestic King
This gorgeous description of a perfect, beautiful king symbolizes Jesus. This praise to Him should be our delight daily, as we remember and look forward to His presence in our lives. A King Who loves justice and hates evil - what better king to have on your side? We can always trust and hope in Him, because His throne will go forever. He won't ever be defeated, and we can know that He will always endure. Let this image of God overwhelm you today.

Reading: Luke 15:1-32

Loving Father
When we face mess ups in life, we can guarantee that God is always standing back, waiting for us to "come to our senses". There is celebration for the lost returning to Him. This should tell us that our hearts should be focused in those who are lost, not those who are saved. Jesus tells a few stories about the value of the lost. If a man has 100 sheep, and loses 1, all he cares about is finding that 1. When a woman loses her valuable, silver coin, she tears her house apart, looking for it. And when a son disgraces his own father, wishing his death upon him, so he can take his part of the inheritance and squander it, his father rejoices when he comes home. Each one of these stories displays the compassion and love God has for us, and for the lost. 
If you really know a lot about the culture these stories took place in, there would be a whole new element of meaning. For instance, when a son asks his father for the inheritance, it is a disgraceful act towards your father, and practically wishing he was dead. This father should have refused and been very angerd by his son's request, but instead, he loved him enough to give him what he wanted. Another interesting thing about this story is that when the son returns home, the father literally runs to him. In this culture, older men never ran unless there was some sort of danger. This is also a shameful act for a man to do, but the love this father had for his returned son was so great, he didn't care. 
Sounds kind of like Jesus. 
When we put God to disgrace by our thoughts or actions, we are treating Him like that son treated his father. But God will allow us to have whatever we decide,because He loves us that much. But when we finally "come to our senses" and return to our Father, He is watching for us, and will run to us when we come back. He celebrates the lost returning to Him, much like the father celebrating his son's return.
That is a loving Father indeed.

Reading: Deuteronomy 19:1-20:20

Righteous Judge
It is tough to apply Old Testament rules to today's society, and luckily when Jesus died on the cross, He took away all the legalism in the faith, except of course loving God most and loving others as yourself. But when we read the rules and the way things God wanted things done in the Old Testament, we get an idea of what God is like. He obviously cares deeply for justice and fairness, as He orders there be cities of refuge for people involved in accidental death. But this God also doesn't tolerate evil, as He commands they no pity be taken on a purposeful murderer. He will stand by your side in battle, as long as you fight on His side. Doing His will will guarantee His presence in an empowering way. But going against His will could have consequences. 
Remember your God is full of justice, and revenge should always be His. 

We have the opportunity to see the many attributes of God by simply reading out of different parts of the Bible. Majestic King, Loving Father, Righteous Judge. These are the big three we read about today. Remember the extent and wonderful attributes of God today.

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