Deuteronomy 7-9; Mark 9:1-29
It's not hard to think that you are all that and a bag of chips (hopefully you've heard this expression) at times, when really what we need is a piece of humble pie to keep us in line. (Sorry, apparently I'm hungry, and slightly corny today.) It's easy to give yourself glory for the achievements you earn, or claim the things you have as yours because you've earned them. In fact, it is very easy to get caught up in our material possessions and the amazing things we've done, and forget what really matters and Who all of those things, including yourself, belong to. Today, as you read the passages, keep that in mind.
It is reiterated over and over that the Lord will hand over the land to the people from other nations, even though they are greater and bigger than they are. God says He'll hand the land over bit by bit, as the people scatter away the other nations and take over their land. However, God also states that it is not because they have been good or obedient that they'll be handed the land, but because He is good and will be faithful to what He promised them. How many times in life do you stop and thank God for His faithfulness to you? We never deserve what we get. In fact, what we deserve is eternal separation, yet God grants us goodness in this life, and if we choose it, eternity of even better and greater goodness with Him.
The Lord tells the people over and over to remember and obey His commands. Another way we rise above what we deserve is when we think we can call all the shots and fail to listen to what God tells us to do. We think He's bossing us around, when really, He knows the consequences of going against the things He suggest. We can throw a fit and call God unfair, yet when we disobey, we will reap the consequences. God tells the people to destroy the people who are against Him and all of their idols. He doesn't even want the people to hesitate and mess around with this because He knows the weakness of human will-power. Do you push the limits and mess around with things that God wouldn't approve of? What may you need to cut out of your life to keep yourself in line with God? We can think we have it all under control, but really, one slip can send us downhill quickly.
Hardships are another way we are humbled. Any moment, your life can change course south and leave you absolutely at a loss of what to do. I've certainly been there, and know how much that can make you question. However, if you focus on what God is providing you in those hard moments, you will see past the hardship and see the growth He gives. It's amazing how humbling it is to be left with nothing and no options. God tells the people that this is a way He made them humble and provided them manna, making them realize that they need Him more than food itself.
We can view the greatest people on this earth with such awe and admire all they have achieved or what they are good at. But the world's way of success and achievement aren't that of heaven's. The transfiguration of Christ shows Him alongside of the greatest in the Biblical times - Moses and Elijah. While our idea of a celebrity isn't usually someone who comes to be rejected and suffer, that is heaven's idea of one. Jesus came and was rejected by the greatest religious leaders. He still is. The Name Jesus tends to set some people off. Without Him, we are nowhere, though. Realize your need for Him daily and how invaluable He is in your life.
We rely on our own selves to solve everything, when we have God's power right at hand. The disciples were unable to heal the boy because of their unbelief. We tend to want to see things in order to believe, yet we are told that faith is the evidence of what we can't see. Jesus would tell folks to believe, then to see. We can think we know it all, have it all, and have it all together, but without Christ and faith in Him, we have absolutely nothing.
Think highly of who you are, but don't think too highly and often of yourself. We are not intended to live for ourselves. When you can see your weaknesses and admit them, you give God the room to move in and change you and strengthen you in ways only He can. Know what can push you over the edge of temptation and cut those things from your life. Remember what Christ has done and the ability you needed from Him, and not of yourself. Thank Him today and everyday for all He has done in your life.
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