Day 90
Numbers 16-17; Mark 2
It seems that in the world we currently live in at the moment, people feel very much at liberty to judge others and decide who they are based on surface evaluation. When you take the time to think about God's judgement and how Jesus handled judgements as we read about today, our petty gossips and calls can be put to shame. Our God is One of jealousy and wrath if we continually complain against Him. Jesus looked beyond the sin of a person, as we read about today as well. Let's learn from these instances today.
We can all think pretty highly of ourselves at times. We think we are the best, the most holy, the most worthy... Yet if you are a Christ-follower, you should know that the foot of the cross is a level playing field. It doesn't matter how the sin the person next to you committed and and few sins you've committed line up in comparison. You're both sinners and need redemption. We read about some jealousy in Numbers as the leaders fight to go up against Moses and Aaron, claiming that a new leader needed to be in charge. Moses tells him to be ready for the Lord to choose (as this is what a great leader would do - leave it in the Lord's hands). As you read, you see it didn't quite work out for Korah and his cohorts. The Lord's wrath spilled out upon them and their families, as well as the people offering incense. The judgement was put in God's hands, rather than that of Moses or Aaron.
Rather than trying to constantly throw guilt and judgement around to people you believe deserve it, allow God to handle it. The people who tried to overthrow Moses knew better, but allowed their arrogance to get in the way, thus the Lord took radical action upon them. As the people continue to grumble the very next day, we again, see the Lord's anger stir up. As you sit and read about their complaining, I bet like me, you just shook your head and wondered how the people could be so dumb. Yet look at your own life and what you have. Consider all the Lord has done for you and then put it up against the times you weren't happy or you complained. We fall guilty as well. Remember to thank the Lord for what He has given you, rather than being discontent with it. We don't deserve any of it, yet we act like we deserve the kingdom at times.
As Jesus carried out His own ministry, He too was surrounded by judgement-casters. The religious leaders obviously didn't support what He was doing and not only judged Him, but the people He hung around with. How often do we stand on the sidelines and talk about "those people" or share about who so n' so is hanging out with. Before you judge, consider who Jesus hung out with and what He came here for. He states as he was eating with Matthew's friends that the healthy don't need a doctor, but the sick do. The perfect people don't need Jesus, but the imperfect do. Here's a hint: NONE of us is perfect.
Not only did the religious leaders cast judgement about the people Jesus hung out with, but in turn, cast judgement on Who He was. We do this all the time. We need to decide each and every day Who Jesus is to us. The leaders doubted. We may doubt too. So many thought He was crazy, evil, or that He was indeed the living God among us Who died so we may live. The choice is yours. No one can make it for you. Decide today and everyday Who Jesus is to you. He doesn't need our approval, but we most definitely need His. The good news is, when you run to Him, you are approved.
Judgement is good, as it helps us grow when it comes from the Lord. Judgement is bad, when we try to do it ourselves to others. Judgement can be ugly, as we read today in Numbers. One thing is for sure, however: Judgement is to be done by God. Stop casting it yourself and deciding who is worthy around you. Simply exist in the light of Jesus, loving others, and allowing Him to do the rest. Why make more work for yourself?
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