Day 88
Psalms 38-40
I honestly can relate to some of what David goes through in our reading today. It is actually astounding to me to read and see how closely the hardship David endures in this section matches that of what I have experienced before, and it all makes sense when you view the process from the outside.
As we begin reading of David's struggles with health and sickness, on top of the oppression from his enemies, there is a convicting prayer that is said by David from the bottom of his figurative pit. David feels the sickness of his body in the physical form and in the spiritual, as he confesses and begs forgiveness for his sin. David seeks full healing and reliance on Christ not only in the aspect of the hardship he's faced up to this point, but now he is finding reliance in the lack of health in his body.
David gives us a model to live by as we read of his suffering and redemption. As he cries out to God, he asks for help, confesses his wrong-doing, and then puts full trust in Him. I think there is something so humbling about confessing ourselves to Christ, because it places us in a humble spot and forces us to set aside the pride that can eat our hearts and souls. Ask Christ for help and place yourself at His feet, giving over everything you've placed ahead of Him.
David also realizes how short life is. When I faced major health issues, that was an eye-opener and even a game-changer for me, as I realized that I have no time to waste in getting Christ out there. After something that causes you to realize how much you need Christ in your life, you also realize how fragile this life becomes and how significant time is. In fact, after facing near-death, I realized that we have no time for fear, just as David did, as he set his fears at God's feet, asking for reminders of how short life is. Nothing else matters. Not wealth or fame. Those are things that don't come with us when it is all over. Only the lasting legacy you leave for Christ will last an eternity.
We need to remember that even though deliverance from our hardships can be a waiting game, there is hope. Recall how God has pulled you through before this time, and how He taught you to rely on Him. Think about how He will use you this time around and be give thanks for His growth in you through it. It's never easy waiting for the relief that is coming, but remember He will deliver you. Follow Him closely through those times and He will carry you. The world asks us to turn to so many different things to deal with hardships and struggles in this life, but God says to follow Him.
Finally, be the proof of Christ through your life. Truth and love are to be put together, just as justice and mercy are. David asks God to not withhold His love and mercy from him. We have a God Who loves us deeply and knows where we need to grow. He wants the best for us and to learn to lean on Him in times of these hardships. Since we have found this love and grace in our lives, we need to allow it to shine through to others all around us. Your story of hardship and redemption can move the mountain of someone else. Share it and glorify Christ in it.
I don't think anyone can honestly look at hardships and say they "enjoyed it". But when Christ brings us through hardships, we can see how mighty His power is in our lives and know that He is faithful to us as we look ahead to the next one. Remember that life is short and we need to share our stories of hope so that others around us can experience freedom in the midst of hardship as well. Be a light and rely on the Light.
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