Day 96
Numbers 29-31; Mark 5:21-43
"You don't want to relive it, but you can't live without it." This was a quote (slightly paraphrased, I bet) that summed up my feelings exactly from a speaker named Melissa Wall, whom I had heard on a retreat. We face terrifying circumstances, yet when we look back at the power that those times placed in our lives to the picture of God, we couldn't imagine how our faith would be without those times. I've been there and I know the faith that those times build, though they are traumatizing. Today, we'll have the opportunity to read about the fears turned to faith from Biblical times.
The festivals were a form of worship for the people to God. They brought sacrifices, like animals and harvests to the Lord, to display their worship to Him. Today, when we give something of value to God, we too display worship to Him. Most ideally, we would give our complete loyalty and faith to Him, allowing Him to provide in our lives more powerfully than we could ever imagine. It is sure hard to let go, however. We fear God won't provide or that He won't give us what we want. However, the truth is if we truly give Him our full lives, He will provide far beyond our expectations. God always knows what we need and when. We just get in the way a lot.
I can't even imagine the thoughts and questions that went through Moses' head every step of the way of his journey. This time, God tells him that before he dies, he must rally the troops to go into battle against the Midianites. I don't know about you, but I would have asked God some questions. "Is this how I will die?" "Are you sure we'll win?" Etc... But Moses, being around the block a few times with God on his side now, obeys and they go to war and win huge. After the war, they divide up their bounty, giving God His share. It is one thing to earn bragging rights in a competition, but to actually give God the glory for all you have earned and that has been given to you is another thing.
What has God given you victory over in terms of your fears that you need to thank Him for? Do you give Him the glory when you tell others about your accomplishments and victories?
The scene that plays out with Jesus in this Mark reading is quite beautiful. Picture the noise and the crowds that invaded as Jesus got off the boat. In the midst of this crowd, comes a man, who is a synagogue leader, named Jairus, who fervently pleads with Jesus to come and heal his very sick daughter. Now, a synagogue leader was much like that of a religious leader - the ones who were trying to nail Jesus to the cross. The humility this man had to find to come to Jesus must have been something great. His fear was set aside, so he could go and ask Jesus to heal his little girl.
If this wasn't enough, a woman strived to make it to touch Jesus' robe. This woman had many things against her. She was a woman, which in this day didn't earn a ton of respect. She was considered unclean as she had been bleeding for twelve years, as it was law for the unclean to be apart from the community in the allotted time to get clean. Yet this woman thought, "if only I can touch His robes." As she did, Jesus knew it. He turned around, asking who had touched Him as the crowds continued to push up against Him. He knew this was an intentional, faith-filled touch, however. I also truly believe that Jesus knew who touched Him, but wanted the faith and the story to come alive not only in the midst of the crowd, but in the heart of that woman, who fearfully makes herself known. But Jesus, reassures her of her faith, and tells her she is well. Her fear turns to faith, and a wonderful testimony of what Christ has done for her.
Meanwhile, message is sent from Jairus' home that his daughter had passed, yet Jesus still wants to go, saying some very important words to Jairus: "Don't be afraid. Just have faith." How many times a day do you need to hear those words? When Jesus arrives, He tells the little girl to get up. How relevant is this statement - "Little girl, get up." I think we fear too much to move. We fear too much to have faith. We error on the side of "impossible" rather than "possible", even when we are told that with Christ all things are possible. I'm not saying He will raise your loved one from the dead here on earth, but He sure can raise them up in a much greater place that this earth.
What fears do you need to lay at the feet of Jesus? How can you be reassured by His amazing power to lead your fear into great faith? Come to Jesus with faith that He will move in your life in mighty ways, even if it isn't in a way you want. Have faith that He will use you in your inabilities. Have faith to serve Him in singleness. Have faith to allow Him to give and take away. Have faith to keep on looking to Him despite the fears you have. Have faith that even if you don't get something from Him, what He does give you is enough. Have faith that He is enough. Turn your fears to faith with Jesus, and give Him the glory for the victories you celebrate.
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