Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Day 93: Baffling Faith

Day 93
Numbers 23-25; Mark 4:26-41

It is hard to have faith when the situation seems impossible. But we learn from our readings today, that God not only works in huge things, but in the smallest things as well.

Balaam's faith journey is very interesting to me. I never quite realized how much it was shared in Numbers here. I grew up hearing the story of the talking donkey, but never quite followed up with Balaam. However, he took what seemed to be a 180 from his initial motives for going with Balak to the leaders to curse the people. Rather than cursing the Israelites so he could gain wealth, he blessed them, and told Balak that only what God put in his mouth for words are what he could say. In this case, it's hard to fathom the way God worked in Balaam's life. He seemed pretty stubborn as he tried to ride his donkey to meet his agenda. So stubborn, in fact, that we read yesterday how he wouldn't listen to God until He spoke through his donkey.

Sometimes, faith doesn't seem to make sense in the moment. Balaam continued to bless Israel and turn down the wealth offered him that would only be granted if he cursed Israel. Balak continued to lead him to different views of the people, trying to convince him, but as we have an unchanging God, who wouldn't allow Balaam to curse them, Balaam continue to obey God's message and share it with Balak. While I'm sure Balaam didn't want to lose out on the wealth he could have easily earned, he followed what the Lord had told him. What desires of your heart do you have in front of you or in your mind that you want so badly, but know your faith in God is more important and worthy of greater reward later? How can you rely on your faith, even if it's not as instantly gratifying as the thing you desire?

As we continue to read on in Number, we discover how instant gratification caused the people to sin. To this day, we still fall to sexual immorality, things that give us answers we want to hear, and we still give our allegiance to other gods (people, entertainment, etc.) rather than following what our true God tells us. We search high and low for things that feel good, or make us happy, or give us the feel good answers we want. Yet these things are all you'll get. If you rather live a life that gives YOU happiness that lasts for a brief moment, rather than live this life for the glory of an indescribable and unfailing God that will grant you eternal rewards, that is exactly what you will get. Only this earth. The people of Israel had forgotten Who they belong to. Defend yourself from the things of this world that try to take you from God's righteousness. Don't seek instant gratification when you can have eternal happiness.

In Mark, we read how the farmers sow their seeds and without fully understanding how the crop comes. Maybe you have been trying to plant a seed and feel like the person will never understand or they won't budge in their faith. This passage is encouraging to me because that is something we don't do. God does it. We won't understand how He brings someone's heart along, but if we plant the seed, He works the conversion. Even as a person is blossoming, it may take some time for them to "bear fruit". Continue to have faith that God will move.

I find it ironic that Jesus tells the story of the mustard seed following this overview of not fully understanding the faith that goes into planting a seed. The mustard seed, being one of the smaller ones in this world, is one that produces a strong, full plant. Our faith is much the same way. It takes a small interaction or ounce of faith to believe that God will move and flourish in mighty ways. The disciples face this test of faith when they cross the lake and face a fierce storm. Jesus, sleeping through it until the disciples wake him out of fear, convinced they will drown in the storm. Jesus simply tells the wind and the waves to be still. While the disciples are in disbelief at His power over them, He asks them where their faith is.

Are you facing something that just needs a little faith? Do you truly believe that Jesus can deliver you out of the storm? Balaam had to be communicated with in a way that didn't make sense. Sometimes that's how God communicates and that's how faith plays out. Even when we want to give into the instant gratifications of this world, rely on the faith that is unseen and know that God has something better waiting for you. Have patience in the times that are baffling. Remember that God can take something so small and make it something so grand for His glory. Have faith, as baffling as it is.

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