Day 99
Deuteronomy 1-3; Mark 7
As we dive into Moses' final words and the book of Deuteronomy, we can see the qualities that made him a great leader. The words Moses shares shows who he is and how he valued God's direction in his life and in leading the people. Jesus also has some things to say and show about what a good leader has and values.
Moses opens his sermon with a reflection on where the people had been, remembering the hardships and the victories God gave them. While reliving hardships and battles we have faced can be a hard thing to do, it can also give us hope for conquering what is up ahead and remembering the God can take care of things there too. A good leader remembers what God has done for them and they know God will provide ahead, as well as empower people to feel that confidence in God as well, encouraging them to remember there is hope.
Moses continues on, remembering the heavy load he had in managing the people. It was then he learned that a good leader delegates and finds other good leaders to help them. A good leader can pick out great traits in others that make up a good, honest leader. In doing so, more is accomplished with less struggle. A good leader communicates clearly what needs to be done and allows other leaders to grab the reigns without feeling like the need to micromanage. When there is lack of communication, that is when micromanaging tends to happen.
Other traits of a leader are listed off as Moses explains. Well-respected. Wise. Understanding. Those who lead well can understand where a person is coming from, or at least strive to understand. They take the time to listen and know the struggles and needs. Some of the leaders that were appointed were judges and had to have good discernment and fairness. They needed thick skin, as Moses mentions, "don't be afraid of anyone's anger, for the decision you make is God's decision." (1:17) Leaders also know when things are over their heads and need a little extra guidance, as Moses had told them to bring difficult cases to him.
Good, Godly leaders know that their secret weapon is the Lord. They rely on His wisdom and guidance through every hard and easy thing. Moses recalls the victories they had over what seemed impossible. Leaders seem fearless because they know that God will fight for them if it is His will. Their strength comes from God, not of themselves. Managing people and hard things seems impossible, but we have a God Who can accomplish the impossible. Leaders remember this and handle the hard stuff through Christ.
Jesus displays what a good leader is all throughout His ministry. Though His way isn't the world's way, it is the best way. One of the key things Jesus displays here is having a pure heart. A heart that puts God's Word and ways ahead of traditions and what the world tells you to do. We see that there were religious leaders who ultimately crucified Christ because His ways didn't match theirs. Don't be that leader - who is so focused on what you want and what is convenient for you, that you fail to see what God's mission is for you.
A good leader also sees the needs people have, no matter who they are. Jesus helps a Gentile woman, even though He says it is right to help His own people first, the Jews. The woman replies humbly, knowing that Jesus has even enough for her to heal her daughter. Jesus sees the need and replies her daughter is healed. We can also get so caught up in our passions and what is immediately near us, that we forget there is need outside of our circles. Jesus proves this is important here. This woman pursues what she knows to be true whole-heartedly and Jesus respects that.
A good, Godly leader first and foremost, follows God. They realize their need for Him, and they strive to lead in such a way that honors Him. The entire Word of God is filled with leadership qualities and ways you can pursue Christ in leading others. Leaders get their strength from Him and can delegate tasks to others without micromanaging the scene. Clear communication and vision make up a great leader as well, and can keep you from micromanaging. We can learn from the best in the Bible, such as Moses, and the greatest yet in Jesus. Strive to be a leader that puts Christ first and that gives Him the glory in all of your accomplishments.
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