Day 94
Numbers 26-28; Mark 5:1-20
There are times we like to just sit back and watch God's work happen around us. While there are times for this, there are also times for taking the initiative and following what God leads us to do. As we dive in today and read about different times initiative was taken throughout the Bible.
Moses was a leader who truly took initiative. If you recall from the beginning of Moses' story, not only in leadership, but in life, you read how his life was spared because his mother took a risk and put him in a basket, and then Pharaoh's daughter took initiative and picked him up. Even in Moses' leadership, it was small steps of initiative and risks that led him to one of the greatest leaders under God's direction. Now, as Moses continues to deal with the people's complaints, and land distributions, and the census, and complex requests, we can see how much he has grown since the burning bush left him shaken and questioning God's decision in his leadership to lead the people out of Egypt.
Again, we see how well Moses follows up and follows God's guidance when the fatherless daughters step out and take their own initiative to claim land for their family. Moses uses great wisdom in bringing the request before God and following through with the request. The women take great initiative in simply asking, and it pays off. Not taking the initiative to simply ask can cause you to lose out on things or opportunities at times. Take initiative as a good follower and a good leader.
As Moses nears the end of his life and reign as the leader of the people, he passes his title onto another initiative-taker in Joshua, as God tells him to do. Rather than Moses being bitter about God not allowing him to enter the Promised Land, He asks God to choose the leader who will lead the people well. This is a sign of true maturity. Could you be a leader who looks after the interest of your people rather than being bitter about not getting what you think you're entitled to?
Jesus takes huge initiative when he enters the land of Gerasenes, where a demon-possessed man roamed the caves and couldn't be restrained. Talk about a creepy scene. I think I would have been in the boat with the rest of the disciples, staring with my mouth wide open, wondering what in the world Jesus was doing. Yet we see Jesus take initiative and care for this man. He got out of the boat and healed the man, casting his thousands of demons into a herd of pigs. Taking this initiative caused a huge witness for Jesus and His ministry throughout this area. When you step out and take a risk, it can send ripples.
Are you more apt to play it safe rather than take initiative at times? It is hard to step out and take a risk, but when you do, it can change a life and cause a great witness for Who Christ is in your life and Who He can be for others. Be mature enough to step up to the plate and allow God's glory to shine through, rather than yours. Do what is best for those you lead, rather than trying to accomplish your own agenda. Take initiative for Christ. Step out and step up.
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