Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 97: Community

Day 97
Numbers 32-34; Mark 6:1-29

There is something about community that draws people in. When you find a group of people or a person that you can put faith and trust in, that is a blessing indeed. We were created to be in community with others and with God.

As we continue to read about the community of people that worked and worked their way towards the Promised Land, we can sense the community that God had formed in giving them duties and tasks to carry out in service to each other and to Him. We read how the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh wanted to claim land on the other side of the Jordan river (opposite of the Promised Land). While Moses was skeptical and wondered if they were trying to get out of the work of fighting for the Promised Land, the people assured him that they simply wanted to settle and get situated in safety. There is something very important about having safety within a community. When you are vulnerable, whether it is physically, emotionally, or spiritually vulnerable, having that safety and reassurance that you won't be judged is huge. It is hard to really open up and grow withing a trusted community if you are always under attack or worried what you say will come back to haunt you. If you are in a small group, encourage safety as priority. Make sure you have a group you can trust and keep you safe.

Set boundaries for yourself as well, as we read that the land was broken up in Numbers 34. This was a job for Moses, but he delegated much of the work that was laid out to him. A group of people that doesn't let you work alone is to be treasured. They help you and take direction well, not feeling bossed, but empowered to be apart of something big. Give yourself clear boundaries so you are not over-worked or stressed by the list of things you have to do. However, say "no" when you need to. A good community will help you see those flaws in your boundaries and help you improve. 

We also read as the writings of Numbers reflects back to all the places the people had been. Each of these places carried memories, whether good or bad, that created a lesson and growth for them as a people and community. While there are new generations in the time we are reading of this community, the lessons are still there. This is why it is important to reflect back and see what the Lord has done for you, especially if you are a family or community. I rely heavily on one of the groups I'm apart of in my church, an outreach team that visits the Dominican Republic each year. While we have been an intact group, that forms differently over the year, we still laugh at memories we've shared and remember what we have learned from experiences. We learn each other's temperaments and weaknesses and encourage one another based on what we know. Looking back is important. Though we aren't to dwell there, we can continually take lessons from there and remember how powerful our God is.

When Jesus sent out His disciples, He told them to bring nothing. Nothing except someone to go with. He sent them off two by two to do ministry and service. When we can face things with another person, we can encourage each other. There is a reason Jesus sent them out together, and wants us to work together. So rather than going it alone and facing challenges by yourself, find someone you can rely on to encourage you, and someone you can encourage. You will face rejection, like Jesus did in Nazareth. People will underestimate you and tear you down. Find a person that can appreciate you for who you are and see the gifts you have to offer. Allow them to encourage you to keep going.

King Herod actually respected John the Baptist, even though he told him to leave his adulterous relationship with Herodias. While this advice was valid, Herod still respected him, as Herodias wanted John dead, and Herod wouldn't let her. But because of a bad vow and a reputation to be upheld, King Herod allowed John to be beheaded. We need to be careful to listen to the advice of those we trust, so we are not caught in a trap that separates us from what God intends. Not only listen to advice, but heed it, if it is Godly advice. Allow the people you respect to have a say in what you do.

Community is a huge part of your Christian walk. Surround yourself with trust-worthy people who strive to serve and grow in Christ. It is important to know you are not alone in  your worries and your frustrations as you walk through this life. Reflect back on how God has used people to grow you and be sure to be poured into and pour into others as well.

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