Day 102
Psalms 44-46
There is much reason to be on the go all the time in our culture. We have places to be, people to meet, errands to run, kids to pick up, drop off, pick up again, jobs to work, meetings to attend, chores that always seem to pile up to do...the list is never ending and overwhelming at times. But when we actually take a piece of our day to "be still" and listen for God, there is a whole new dynamic and attitude in facing the day.
There are so many benefits to making Christ the center of your day and learning more and more of Who He is. We are told to "be still, and KNOW that (He) is God" in Psalm 46. You have probably heard this verse over and over, but to actually apply it is another matter. The more you spend time with someone though, the more you get to know them, the more you trust them, and the more you reflect on the times you've had together. The same goes for getting to know God.
Know His Victory - As we read in Psalm 44, we read as the writer(s) reflect on the words of their ancestors, and how they spoke of the victories that God provided them. Upon reflection, we can take a look at today's issues and remember the victories God provided for us in the past, and know He is faithful for our future. Being still and knowing His heart and His longing for good in our lives will give us a heart that trusts Him more deeply each day and through each storm we face.
Know His Attributes - The writer(s) of Psalm 45 write poetry about the attributes and character of God. We can only truly know His character when we take the time to know Him through reflection, His word, and listening for His guidance. Take some time today to write about an attribute of God and why it is amazing to you.
Be Still and Know Him
There are so many things we get by simply being still day to day and learning Who God is. We gain so much from that time and realize so many things about the realities of Who God is in our lives. We learn to rely on Him as our true security in times of the unknown.
We learn that there is truly joy in being close to God because He has given us every reason to be joyful in this life.
We learn that He is our complete protection, as we face the storms, the people who taunt us, the questions we ask ourselves in lack of confidence.
We also learn that He is a peace that passes all understanding, especially in times where being at peace is not a "natural response".
Be still and know that He is God. Your day will be faced with reassurance of Whose you are, and direction on Who to follow in times of the unknown. Open your Word. Open your heart. Open your ears. Be still and know Who your God is in a world of chaos and busyness.
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