Sunday, March 12, 2017

Day 92: Give and Take

Day 92
Numbers 20-22, Mark 4:1-25

Life as a Christ-follower comes with a lot of ups and downs, as we've talked about. But it also comes with a lot of give and take, as we'll read about today. We need to give of ourselves so we can know God and His voice, but we also need to work on the entitlement and when we believe is ours. God gives us things and people in this life so we may grow and learn, but He also takes sometimes so we can thrive with Him and learn to rely on Him.

The Israelites continue to complain about needing water, showing a great distrust in God. While God yet again provides for them and brings water out of a rock, yet because of Moses and Aaron's failure to allow God to demonstrate His power to the people, they will not be permitted to enter the Promised Land. Rather than speaking to the rock, Moses struck it out of anger, which is not what the Lord had told him to do.Worse yet, Aaron and Moses took credit for bringing water out of the rock. "Must we bring you water from this rock?' Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his staff." (Numbers 20:10-11) Moses gave the people water, but he took the glory for it. Sometimes we may think we're doing good, which we probably are, but we fail to lift our hands and eyes to the One above and claim it was all because of Him. Give freely, but don't take the glory.

We see other instances of giving and taking throughout our Numbers reading today. The king of Edom refusing to allow the people to go through the land. Aaron's death. Victory over the Canaanites. When the people face poisonous snakes, God once again provides a way to their healing. The bronze snake on the staff was a symbol of looking to Christ when we need help. The people knew they had sinned and that they needed God's redemption, so God provides a way. We are in the same boat daily. We know we do wrong by God and we need His redemption to make it right. So like God provided the bronze snake to save the people from dying on this earth, He provides us His Son to die for us so we may live eternally.

Balaam was most definitely a taker. He focused on gaining wealth and reputation. Our desires can blind us into thinking we deserve things like wealth and prestige, yet we need Christ. We can give Him devotion like it's no problem, but desires are another story. Balaam, ignoring the leadings of the Holy Spirit, made his own call to continue down the road with Balak. Rather than doing the work God had for him, we wanted to pursue his own riches and desires. God was so adamant to get Balaam's attention, He even made the donkey talk. Even though God permitted Balaam to continue down the road, there were conditions. Balaam only could speak to the people the words God gave him, not his own. Sometimes, God will give us an opportunity to share, but we take it and twist it to our own beliefs and misspeak God's intent. Be open and aware of the message God is giving you, then share it.

Jesus shares about the types of hearts that receive the message of Christ. The message can be given, but unless follow-up and growth happen, it can wither like a seed in bad ground. There are many things in this world that can wither our faith. If we are grounded in the wrong things and allow the weeds (or circumstances) of this world to smother us, we will lose heart. Be grounded in Christ and rely on Him. On the other side of that, when you take the message to others, follow up with them. Don't just share Christ and tell them they are good to go. Invite them to things that keep them grounded, or show them ways you stay grounded in your own faith.

We are told to share our light and give it to the world around us. We can't keep it to ourselves, but we need to answer for the hope we have. Give it freely. Also, we need to receive the words God gives us and gain understanding. Those who have listen, will understand more and more. Those who fail to listen will lose whatever understanding they have. It is important to always be open to teachings in the Word so you can continue to grow and thrive on good soil.

God will give and take away. He knows best what we need when, and His plans are always good. We also need to learn to give and be open to what God is doing in our lives. Give light of your hope to others who so desperately need it. Don't be a taker in this life and in this world, but give and give and give. Because of your giving and God's giving to you, you can grow and be rooted more deeply in Him, while helping others as well. Don't only focus on what you think you are entitled to (which is nothing), but remember that God is trying to lead you places so you can give His message to others. Give Him the credit and take nothing but Him with you.

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